The Brain and Beyond Podcast

Oxytocin and the Power of Love (Hormones)

Ellen Petry Leanse Season 1 Episode 16

Between us? I believe we humans, and all beings, are much (much) more than machines driven by pulses of electricity and surges of chemicals in the body and brain.

That's the "mechanistic" view, and – much to a few science-focused friends' dismay – I'm not a mechanist.

Though... our neurochemistry, and the way it interacts with lots of other things in the body, across the brain, and in the world around us, DOES shape much of our experience of life.

This episode looks at one such chemical, a hormone called oxytocin, and how it might explain some of the puzzling pieces we're all trying to put together in life.

Dive in to learn how this hormone works, how it differs across genders, and how you can encourage more of it in your life.

And be sure to visit the episode page at You'll find a lot of oxytocin-boosting goodies (and some fun!) there.

Big shoutout to Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy for being awesome, to The Commonwealth Club for allowing use of their interview with Dr. Louann Brizendine, and to the Omega Institute and Elizabeth Lesser. They both rock.


Neuroscience Educator, Author, and Coach

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