The Brain and Beyond Podcast

Episode 5: The Activist Mindset with Alice Waters

Ellen Petry Leanse Season 1 Episode 5

This is the first episode to feature an interview – and what a person to speak with. Alice Waters is an icon – a catalyst shaping the US Farmers Market, Slow Food, Farm to Table, and many other movements that champion both our health and the health of our planet.

She's also the visionary founder of Chez Panisse, the legendary Berkeley, CA restaurant that challenged assumptions about what a restaurant might be, and won the many accolades that affirm its place in the history of cuisine.

This episode focuses on three mindsets that have driven her impact. In Episode 7 we'll look at the skillsets she's enacted as she's – literally changed the world. In Episode 10, expect to explore what I see as the "brainsets" her intentions and practices have shaped – and how she uses them to advocate for a future where we celebrate our senses and the environment that activates them.

Be sure to visit the Episode page at You'll find some fascinating history and resources there. And come back soon for the rest of Alice's story. I promise you'll be as dazzled as I am.

Neuroscience Educator, Author, and Coach

Theme music: Land Where I Belong by Lucia Lilikoi

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