The Brain and Beyond Podcast

Episode 4 / Everyday Mindfulness: Touch

Ellen Petry Leanse Season 1 Episode 4

Run this mindfulness guide in background while you're living everyday life. It activates new ways of thinking that may boost  your mindful moments as you continue the exercises it suggests.

This is the very first Everyday Mindfulness practice on this podcast. I'll share one every week, each with a focus on a life experience, activity, or part of the brain that deserves thought and reflection. As always, you can find a resource page for each episode. This one is at

If you're looking to boost mindfulness and the healthy results it delivers, start here. And come back soon for a new topic, cross-training your brain to bring mindfulness to more of your life.

Neuroscience Educator, Author, and Coach

Theme music: Land Where I Belong by Lucia Lilikoi

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